Impulse Buy Reviews: Detective Comics and Swamp Thing

With a fresh set of eyes, I rank this week’s Swamp Thing and Detective Comics. How did the two darker-skewed books fare?

While we may have pull lists, most of us comic addicts scan the shelves to see what else is in store. For arbitrary reasons, we sometimes pick up a random issue in the midst of a run. It could be because of good word of mouth, a guest artist, the presence of a certain character on the cover or…just ’cause.

Impulse Buy looks at a handful of issues I picked up each week, that I wouldn’t normally get month-to-month. This column answers whether or not I’ve been convinced to start reading the series.

Swamp Thing #21

Why did I buy it?

Honestly, how do you turn down a cover from Jock? Yes, it’s a beautiful cover that caught my attention, but Swamp Thing was definitely on my radar before. I started out the series with Snyder’s first 7 issues (which I adored) but chose to drop the series in favour of other New 52 offerings. While I’ll eventually get to reading all of Rotworld, I thought it’d be interesting to see Charles Soule’s take on the character after Snyder’s uber-dark and introspective run. Seriously though, that cover, am I right?

Was it worth it?

Sure, for a couple of reasons. Jesus Saiz is one, and The Parliament is the other. First off, Saiz’s work here is quite excellent. The layouts include the weaving of vines and other greenery that Paquette would offer, which makes the book more unique than most other titles on the shelves. Saiz’s pages capture the strangeness of the series, but never lose detail in the characters’ expressions. And considering the main character is essentially made of plant life, that says a lot. As for The Parliament, the flashback stuff in this issue shows  lot of potential. If we could consistently see Swamp Things of past eras pop up, that would be a real treat for everyone.

Buy next issue?

Yes, but I could live without it. While Swamp Thing was before the ultimate destination for fans of the dark side of the DCU, it’s now just a pleasant read that doesn’t necessarily reach the depths that Snyder took it to. I’m okay with a dark character showing their fun side (hello, Daredevil) but Soule’s Swamp Thing feels like a different character. Where did the pain go? Sure, crack a joke, but at least show some of that tortured soul you had in you. Also, the new conflict, “Sanctuarium Folium Viride”, feels a little forced, especially when hunters came out of no where to justify the threat.


I’ll be back.

Final Score: 8.0/10

Detective Comics #21

Why did I buy it?

In all reality, Harper Row will likely become the next Robin. She’s taken a role in Batman’s life that combines Dick, Jason, Tim, and even Bruce himself in this issue compares her to Damian. Because of this, I want to get acquainted with the character as much as possible, and picking up an issue of Detective Comics (a series that I haven’t read much of) that featured her in it, is a part of that process.

Was it worth it?

Sorry to say, it was not. Much of the issue sprung from seeds planted in the 0 issue (which I enjoyed) wherein Mio, Bruce’s former lover who was presumed dead, has now started a hunt for his head. This is a romance that this issue did little to make me buy into. Sorry, this is no Elektra (hello again, Daredevil) and Harper Row’s presence in this book just served as a reminder that she exists in Bruce’s life.

Eaton’s art is big and pretty, but differs little in mood from page to page. The colours remain relatively stagnant, whether or not the scene is interior, exterior, in Gotham or Japan. Pages are detailed, but the lack of dynamics in location really show its difference from Capullo’s work in Batman.

Buy next issue?

Not unless I have to review it. I see potential in the Man-Bat back-up, but I felt cheated on this outing. It felt a lot like a recap on how Langstrom is coping emotionally with his condition. With no apparent defined role amongst the other Batbooks, Detective Comics fails to draw me to it, while there are plenty of other destinations for my monthly Bat fix.


Just this once.

Final Score: 5.6/10